Evening with the Embassies Series

Evening at The Embassy Series

About The Evening at The Embassy Series:
The Goal of the "Evening at the Embassy" Series is establishing meaningful and long-term relations with European and Asian (Eurasian) Embassies here in Washington, DC.

An “Evening at the Embassy” creates an important milestone for each of the nations of Eurasia by increasing their connections with officials, business and financial leaders here in America. This Series increases communication, understanding, trade, and investments between America and Eurasia.

Special Delegation from Mongolia Receives “A Star of Eurasia” Award from The Eurasia Center/
Eurasian Business Coalition at The Evening of the Embassy of Mongolia, Washington, DC

The Eurasian Business Coalition/The Eurasia Center will contact each Eurasian Ambassador and key staff. Each Embassy will be encouraged to showcase its business climate, strategic location, investment potential, major trading opportunities, taxation regulations, banking services, tourism, culture and history to an important new audience of American leaders. The Ambassadors and their key staff will be invited to have the event at their respective Embassies. The smaller nations may be interested in hosting the event at an alternative location in Washington, DC. There will be a 30-45 minute presentation by each Ambassador and/or his-her Chief Representative(s) such as the Commercial, Political and Cultural Attaches.

Twenty-one Eurasian Ambassadors and Counselor-Ministers attended the Eurasia Center’s TRIBUTE AWARDS Ceremony to thank their nations for assisting the victims of the Katrina and Rita disasters.

In alphabetical order the following Ambassadors, Minister-Counselors, and Counsels from the 21 participating embassies included: 

In alphabetical order the following Ambassadors, Minister-Counselors, and Counsels from the 21 participating embassies included: Austria, Ambassador Eva Novotny; Azerbaijan, Political Counselor Tahir Karimov; Republic of Belarus, Ambassador Mikhail Khvostov; Bosnia-Herzegovina, Minister- Counselor Darko Zelenkia; The People's Republic of China, First Secretary Bao-Qing Zhao; Croatia, Economics Minister-Counselor Hrovje Petrusic; Cyprus, Ambassador Euripedes L. Evriviades; Czech Republic, Counselor Jaroslav Kurfurst; Denmark, Ambassador Friis Aron Petersen; Greece, Ambassador Alexandros Mallias; Latvia, Economic Counselor Inese Liepina; Luxembourg, Consul Monique Thill; Lithuania, Counselor for Economic Affairs, Jolanda Kriskovieciene; Japan, Economics Counselor Kenji Kahasugi; Korea, Economic Minister, Choe Jong-Hwa; Macedonia; Malta, Ambassador He John Lowell; Mongolia, Ambassador H.E. Ravdan Bold; Nepal, Kedar B Shrestha; Pakistan, Ambassador Jehangir Karamat; Romania, Ambassador Sorim Dumitru Ducaru; Russia Federation, Counselor Georgiy Y. Borisenko; Slovenia, Mr. Tadej Rupel; Turkey, Military Attaché Atih Yildiz; Ukraine, Ambassador Serviy Korsunsky.
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